Andrea Jeremiah
Andrea Jeremiah

It's no big secret that 'thinking' women, since they are already gifted with fully functioning brains, are more than happy to have a yummy not-so-smart man in their lives. All we ask for is a sense of humor, a sense of hygiene, and the sense to not cheat.

Andrea Seigel
Andrea Seigel

I lean toward anything with a dark sense of humor. And since I've been out of school, the majority of my books have been contemporary; basically, I like my characters to have electricity - even better, a TV.

Andy Dick
Andy Dick

I have a very dark sense of humor.

Andy Kindler
Andy Kindler

Most of the people in my family were pretty funny. Everyone had a good sense of humor. I came to California right after college, wanting to be a musician.

Andy Samberg
Andy Samberg

I think I was the only person in my experimental film class doing comedy. But my sense of humor and a lot of comedy that I love is quite surreal and strange, you know? You could argue that 'Monty Python' is experimental film. It just happens to be really funny.

Anna Kendrick
Anna Kendrick

Sometimes when I try to make jokes or have a sense of humor in interviews, it doesn't go over very well. But Twitter made my life easier in this way that I didn't expect. It would have taken probably 10 times as long for people to accept my voice and my sense of humor if I didn't have Twitter.

Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway

Kindness is really important to me in finding my own prince - so are patience and a sense of humor. Without those qualities he's no Prince Charming!

Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott

I have a very dark sense of humor. I swear. I have a very playful relationship with Jesus.

Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler

Anyone who's married to Mariah Carey - I'm pretty sure - doesn't have a great sense of humor. I mean, let's be honest: she's ridiculous. What is her game plan?

Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase

I come from a much freer kind of performance thing, where I rely on my own improv and my own sense of humor.